How to use black seed for weight loss  ||

People looking for a quick fix for weight loss are often willing to try any number of things, from speciality tea blends to drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day on an empty stomach. However, the newest supplement that is gaining a lot of traction and popularity for weight loss is black seed oil.


Black seed is also known as Kalonji, Nigella sativa, or black cumin, a flowering plant native to southern Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. Its seeds have long been used in herbal medicine to treat a variety of diseases and conditions ranging from diabetes to arthritis.

What has become famous in recent years is the effectiveness that has been proven to help lose weight. And another wonder that has been confirmed is the help it gives to the proper functioning of the thyroid.


To become slim, attractive and feel great, it is not necessary to go on a strict diet or refuse delicious dishes, new delicacies and preferred drinks. No need to exhaust yourself with heavy physical exertion.


It is enough to add weight loss products to your diet, such as black cumin oil and slimming capsules based on it. It is necessary to use them regularly, observing the correct dosage.

How to use black seed for weight loss 

How to use black seed for weight loss

How Black Seed Oil Works for Obesity: Research Findings

One of the main actions of black cumin seed oil is to reduce appetite and reduce the absorption of glucose in the small intestine, which causes fluctuations in its level. Thanks to this, an obese person, for example, a woman who has gained weight, can more easily control her appetite.


Scientists from the AIMU Medical University in America have proven that black seed oil in liquid form and in capsules is the most effective natural remedy for weight loss, which cannot be said about artificial and harmful diet pills.


A large study was conducted with overweight and obese women aged 25–55 years. For 8 weeks, these women took 1000 mg of liquid black seed oil daily or a similar dose in capsules.


After this time, cumin oil was found to have a mild fat-burning effect and promote weight loss without compromising health.

Blood tests of study participants showed that adding black seed oil to the menu significantly reduced CRP (acute phase protein) levels. Obesity causes inflammation, so people who are overweight should introduce weight loss products into their diet - natural substances such as black cumin, which neutralize inflammation.

Italian scientists from the University of Camerino found that black cumin oil should be included in the list of healthy foods for weight loss for people with diabetes and other disorders of glucose and insulin metabolism.


As a result of regular use of even small doses, diabetics experienced fat burning - a decrease in the amount of fat on the abdomen and thighs, as well as a significant improvement in well-being.


Scientists at the University of Egypt conducted a study on people with type 2 diabetes to see if black seed oil affected the glycemic index.


A daily dose of 1350 mg of black seed oil, better than metformin (a substance used in metabolic disorders), was found to reduce body weight, BMI (body mass index) and waist circumference in all participants - both men and women.

The effect of black cumin seed oil on the condition of people with non-alcoholic steatosis (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease/fatty liver) was studied by scientists from the University of Medical Sciences in America.


It turned out that in people who took 2.5-5 ml (1 teaspoon) of black cumin oil every 12 hours for 3 months, the concentration of "bad" cholesterol decreased, and "good" - increased.


It was revealed that black cumin oil contains essential unsaturated fatty acids that improve digestion. As a result of its use, the intensity of gas formation and abdominal pain decreases.

It also has an antiparasitic effect and relieves intestinal tension, which helps to lose weight.

Brief instructions on how to take the complex for weight loss from black cumin

  • ● Black cumin oil is best absorbed by the body. It is used in salads and cold dishes or as a standalone fat burner for 2-3 months.
  • ● Seeds have a slightly bitter, intense aroma, spicier than pepper. They can be used as a pepper substitute - added to bread, soups, salads, sauces, seasoning spices or marinades.
  • ● Infusion of black cumin seeds is brewed like tea. 1 tablespoon of ground seeds should be poured with boiling water. Such a folk remedy is insisted on for 20 minutes. You can add honey. You can not drink a whole glass at once, but take several sips a day.
  • ● Tincture- half a glass of ground black cumin seeds is poured with a glass of 40% alcohol and left to infuse for a week. After this period, the infusion is filtered through gauze. It can be used both externally and internally, like oil.

When adding black seed oil to salads and other dishes, you do not need to take breaks. However, when treated with black cumin oil and using it regularly 2 times a day for 3 months, it is worth taking short breaks for 3 weeks.


Black cumin oil has a specific taste. It can be difficult to swallow at first, but it takes some getting used to. Due to its high concentration, Ethiopian Black Seed Oil can be diluted with linseed or olive oil in a 1:1 ratio.


To Indian cumin oil - you can add a few drops of lemon juice or mix it with apple or orange juice before drinking. For those who cannot tolerate the concentrated taste of the oil, it is better to purchase it in capsules.


Although nutritionists recommend absorbing the oil so that the maximum concentration of useful substances enters the bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the mouth.


Children should be given:

● from 1 year to 3 years - 1/4 teaspoon per day;

● from 3 to 6 years - 1/4 teaspoon 2 times a day;

● older than 6 years - 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day.


Teenagers and adults under 60 can safely consume 1 tablespoon of black seed oil per day - 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 teaspoon in the evening before bed.

It will be beneficial to take it before meals - breakfast and dinner. There is evidence from scientists that when added to the menu for weight loss, it helps to better absorb calcium.

The black seed oil has no side effects. It is capable of causing harm only if there are contraindications to it for good reasons. There are a few of them:

  • Pregnancy - due to the antispasmodic effect, there is a risk of slowing down contractions in the uterus, which can increase the risk of miscarriage, provoke premature birth and severe postpartum bleeding;
  • Breastfeeding - reduces the level of prolactin and reduces the amount of mother's milk;
  • Children age up to 1 year -Foods with a spicy taste are contraindicated, to which children may have an allergic reaction;
  • Low blood pressure, because black seed lowers blood pressure, which can cause fatigue, distraction, and dizziness in people with low blood pressure;
  • The presence of transplanted organs and preparation for an organ transplant operation - can cause their rejection ;
  • Autoimmune diseases - can cause redness of the skin and food allergies.

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