Foods to eat to lose weight in stomach  ||  

If we want to have a flatter stomach, in addition to eating four balanced meals a day, we must include foods in our diet to burn abdominal fat, such as apples, cherries or tomatoes.

Although there are no such miraculous solutions that they want to sell us with the advertising of some products, there are good foods to burn abdominal fat. These, along with performing a daily exercise routine, can help us maintain weight and waist centimetres.


As is known, the abdomen area is, in many people, the most critical part of the body, in terms of fat accumulation. Almost without us noticing, it is stored in an unattractive way and breaks the balance of our waist.


But luckily, we have alternatives. And what's even better: these foods to burn abdominal fat, which we are going to talk about next, are completely natural!


Foods to eat to lose weight in stomach

Recommendations to burn abdominal fat

Incorrect lifestyle habits, a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet can cause us to accumulate fat in our abdomen in an uncontrolled way. As we already know, miracles do not exist. Getting a smooth belly requires some effort and small daily sacrifices.

These sacrifices will focus, above all, on avoiding foods with excess fat, sugar and flour, which facilitate fat storage. Therefore, to burn them, we recommend, first of all, meeting the following objectives :


  • Drink two litres of water a day, in addition to the content in food.
  • Eliminate fast food ("junk"), industrial food and sweets.
  • Reduce the salt in your meals; since it is the main cause of fluid retention.
  • Get some exercise a day. Only with the perseverance to walk half an hour a day, for example, we can take care of our health.

On the other hand, remember that following a diet is not to stop eating or to do so in minimal quantities. If possible, it is convenient that you make 5 meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner. This will keep your metabolism active throughout the day.

15 Foods to eat to lose weight in stomach || The best technique ||

Next, we will know a list of foods that can help you burn abdominal fat, along with an exercise routine. Do not hesitate to include them in your diet.


1. The apple

How about we start the day with a delicious apple? It is a very suitable fruit to start the day. Of course, complete it with a portion of proteins and carbohydrates. For example, a nice bowl of oatmeal.

The reason why apples are foods to burn abdominal fat lies in the fact that they contain nutrients such as vitamin C, flavonoids and beta-carotene.


In addition, we can also consume it late in the day. Apple juice combined with beetroot is perfect to finish dinner. Do you dare to try it?


2. The banana

The banana has between 75 and 130 calories. It is also a fruit full of potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. It would be something like an isotonic drink but in the form of food. An ideal resource that we should not miss at least once a day if we are looking for foods to burn abdominal fat.

Adding fruits like this to the diet is essential to maintain a balanced diet. Do not forget, the banana is perfect, it will come in handy mid-morning or mid-afternoon when you need to snack on something. It will satisfy you and provide you with many vitamins to continue with your daily tasks.


3. Celery

Celery is yet another one of those good foods to burn belly fat. It goes with many meals and is delicious any way you decide to cook it. It has a large amount of vitamin C, in addition to calcium.

4. Seafood

They may be a bit expensive to consume on a daily basis, but it is advisable that you do not forget about them. Seafood has monounsaturated fats, very necessary for the body.  Combine them as you wish; Thanks to them, you will also get many vitamins and minerals.


5. Avocados

There is a false belief that avocados are fattening, but it is not. On the contrary, they are very complete, because they have oleic acid, an element that eliminates or delays the sensation of hunger.


In addition, it provides fibre, which makes it an ideal food to burn fat and get a flat stomach. It is perfect in salads or creams. Impossible to resist its taste. Of course, be careful with adding a lot of salt.


6. Cherries

If you have the opportunity to find them in your market, do not hesitate. Cherries have antioxidant properties, so they are ideal for taking care of our health.


In addition, they are incredibly healthy and good for our digestive system and for the heart and help lower cholesterol or uric acid.  They are very rich in antioxidants and it is worth consuming them, whenever it is the season so that they are fresh.


7. Tomatoes

Rich in salads and sauces, they combine with all our dishes and transmit that unique and essential flavour to us on a daily basis. And what you may not have known: tomatoes help reduce the accumulation of lipids in the blood.


8. Citrus

Oranges, lemons and, above all, grapefruits are great sources of vitamin C; They also have a high content of potassium and enzymes and, as if that were not enough, they are made up of 90% water.


For all this, they increase the feeling of satiety, help speed up metabolism, burn abdominal fat and lose weight more easily.


9. Nuts

Include walnuts and almonds in your diet. They are delicious and provide us with energy at a low cost in terms of calories. They are also rich in fibre, protein and calcium.


They also contain Omega 3, which helps you in several ways, regulating, for example, cortisol. But yes, do not exceed the quantity: what fits in your palm is enough. And don't add any more salt.


10. Oatmeal

It is a good natural source of fibre and protein. Because of this, it will help you feel full longer. It is ideal for breakfast and dinner. You can drink it hot and add a little cinnamon.


11. Olive oil

Another excellent source of Omega 3. It helps with cholesterol management as well as favours the absorption of nutrients. And not to mention the flavour that a drizzle of olive oil gives to meals. Of course, preferably consume it raw; that is, do not use it for frying.


12. Green tea

Green tea is one of the greatest allies you will find in terms of foods to burn abdominal fat. One cup gives you energy, but you'll only add two calories to the bill.


In addition, it contains polyphenols, which is why it is considered a potential anticancer agent. However, try to make it natural, not a drink with green tea extract. Also, avoid adding sugar or sweetener.


13. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very healthy food and helps activate the metabolism to reduce accumulated fat. But, you have to tread carefully.


It should not be consumed pure, as it can cause burning in the throat, oesophagus and stomach. The recommendation is to take two tablespoons diluted in a cup of water.


14. Yogurt

Research has found a correlation between consuming yoghurt and lower body fat percentages, as well as lower body mass index (BMI), lower weight, and smaller waist circumference.


15. Hot peppers (chillies)

The capsaicin in these foods helps raise body temperature, forcing the body to burn more stored fat. However, they should be consumed with caution and without overdoing it. In fact, they are not recommended for people with gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome.


A healthy diet with foods to burn abdominal fat

Ultimately, eating a healthy diet is a matter of habit. For this reason, we must get used to including varied, nutritious and healthy foods in our diet. Remember to complement good nutrition with physical exercise and consult your nutritionist!

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