Best food for brain recovery || The brain is the most important organ of our body, we must consider that thanks to it we have the ability to think, speak, feel, interact, and move, technically thanks to it we live. For this and many more reasons we must take care of our brain and what better way to do it than to feed it in the best way.

 Best food for brain recovery

Best food for brain recovery

There are several foods that keep it strong and healthy, here we discuss some of those foods:

Red fruits 

Red fruits contain high levels of polyphenols, a substance that helps prevent oxidative stress, this means that their intake can delay degenerative diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer's.



Citrus, well known for its high content of Vitamin C, is important in the synthesis of the Dopamine Neurotransmitter and, like red fruits, protects the brain against oxidative stress. As this vitamin cannot be stored in the body, it is recommended to take around 90 mg of these foods daily.



Fish like Salmon and Tuna are rich in Omega 3 . Omega 3 fats are recommended to maintain brain health. Studies have revealed a relationship between dietary omega-3 imbalance and impaired brain and cognitive performance. These fats make cell membranes and promote the formation of new brain cells.


Walnuts are also rich in omega 3, in addition to omega 6 and vitamin E., These nuts help develop memory and promote short-term learning. In addition, they have a slight antidepressant effect, since they favour the production of serotonin, a substance related to a good state of mind. They also contain folic acid, which prevents homocysteine ​​levels in the blood from increasing, thus reducing the risk of cerebrovascular disease.

Broccoli and green leafy vegetables

Broccoli and green leafy vegetables, thanks to their high potassium content, become an essential element of the diet since they maintain the proper transmission of information between neurons.



Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a chocolate compound that reaches the brain, and triggers a state of euphoria and well-being when eating it, which is why it is considered a natural antidepressant since endorphins and serotonin are released.



The avocado contains 20 vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, C, B6 or B5, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc; It provides heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, is high in fibre and antioxidants, and can lower cholesterol levels.


The Egg, in particular the yolk, contains a high amount of choline, which is a type of nutrient necessary to form acetylcholine in the brain, which has been documented to help maintain memory processes.


Small changes in your diet can go a long way for your health in general, and for your brain in particular. It is advisable to consume these foods in the usual amounts, but frequently in order to obtain the benefits at the brain level.

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