Gastritis diet recipes ||  The diet for gastritis or ulcer is a fundamental part of the treatment because it allows the digestive system to rest and prevent the symptoms from getting worse, it is important that the person eat a balanced, healthy, easily digestible, low-fat diet. and sugars.


The diet for this type of disease varies from one person to another since tolerance to various foods is not the same for everyone. For this reason, it is important to go to a nutritionist to carry out an evaluation and indicate a food plan adapted to the needs of the person.


A good strategy is to create a food diary, that is, a record of the foods and drinks that are ingested each day to identify which ones caused or worsened the symptoms and avoid them. In addition, there are also some home remedies that can be included in the daily diet, such as drinking potato juice or preparing chard tea, which have calming properties that help relieve symptoms.

Gastritis diet recipes 

gastritis diet recipes

Allowed foods

The foods allowed in the diet for gastritis and ulcers are those that are easy to digest and low in fat, and it is important to avoid foods rich in fibre during these periods, as these take longer in the stomach to be digested, and can worsen the symptoms. of gastritis. For this reason, the foods to incorporate in gastritis or ulcer crisis are:


> Fruits 

such as apple, pear, papaya (milky), guava or banana, preferably without peel and if possible cooked or mashed. Fruit jams or compotes can be included as long as they are 100% fruit and sugar-free;

> Vegetables

such as zucchini, aubergine, carrot, spinach and chard, should be preferred cooked and without skin during periods of crisis and pain, as they are easier to digest;

> Low-fat meats

such as well-cooked chicken, turkey, fish, and shellfish, preferably grilled, steamed, or boiled. The meat can be cooked shredded (shredded), ground or in strips to make them easier to digest;

> Dairy

such as skim milk, natural yoghurt and white cheeses, such as ricotta or light curd. It is important to emphasize that tolerance to milk varies from one person to another, so if you suffer or suspect that in addition to gastritis you have lactose intolerance, this type of food should be avoided.

> Carbohydrates

such as white rice, pasta, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, white bread, and potatoes;

>Sugar-free gelatin ;

> Vegetable drinks

such as almond milk, oatmeal or rice;

> Teas 

such as chamomile, linden, congorosa (cancrosa, chuchuwasi or maiteno), peppermint or ginger;

> Decaffeinated coffee ;

> Crude olive oil in small quantities;

> Apple cider vinegar to dress, because it helps balance the pH of the stomach and improve acidity.

> Natural seasonings 

such as fine herbs, garlic, onion, parsley, coriander and

During a gastritis crisis, the ideal is to prepare the food with a smoother consistency like puree, chewing the food well so that the stomach can digest the food more easily.


What to eat after a gastritis crisis?

When the crisis of gastritis has been overcome, it is important to incorporate foods rich in a fibre back into the diet, such as: raw and shelled vegetables, such as cucumber, lettuce and watercress; whole foods, such as rice, pasta and whole wheat bread; flaxseed, sesame and chia seeds; legumes such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils; dried fruits such as walnuts, peanuts and almonds, and fruits with shells such as apples and pears. See what are foods rich in fibre.


In addition, it is important to emphasize that even though the gastritis crisis has passed, it is important to continue avoiding foods rich in fat and highly seasoned foods, to prevent the onset of a new crisis.


In these cases, the consistency of the meals can return to normal, having to chew the food well and eat in a calm place.


Forbidden food

The prohibited foods are those that are difficult to digest and highly processed, because they are rich in additives and preservatives that irritate the stomach, such as:


1. Processed and high-fat foods

such as sausage, chorizo, bacon, ham, turkey breast, salami, mortadella, fried foods in general, cubes, frying oils, cuts of meat with a lot of fat, chicken skin and viscera;

2. Yellow and processed cheeses 

such as cheddar, mozzarella, cream cheese, and provolone;

3. Dairy products 

such as whole milk, cream, heavy cream, ice cream, condensed milk, butter and margarine;

 4. Ready sauces 

such as ketchup, alioli, and mayonnaise;

5. Teas 

such as green, mate, black and matcha;

6. Beverages 

such as soft drinks, pasteurized juices and coffee;

7. Alcoholic beverages ;

8. Sugar and refined foods 

such as cakes, puddings, and filled cookies;

9. Fast food and salty snacks ;

10. Frozen food 

such as pizzas and nuggets;

11. Ready-to-go food 

such as soups, pasta, lasagna, and hamburgers, among others;

12. Dehydrated soups and instant noodles.

In addition to this, sour fruits should be avoided if symptoms of heartburn or stomach pain appear after their consumption. Some people often suffer from gas and may have an intolerance to flatulent foods such as cabbage, broccoli, beans and cauliflower, so in these cases, their consumption should be reduced.

Other recommendations

When you suffer from gastritis, you should be aware of the symptoms that specific food can generate, and if its intake worsens the symptoms of gastritis, it should be eliminated or restricted from the diet. In addition to this you should also:


  • Have 3 main meals and 2 to 3 snacks a day, avoiding skipping meals and trying to always have them at the same time;
  • Heavy or bulky meals should be avoided, as they slow down digestion;
  • Food should be chewed several times and eaten in a calm place, as this will facilitate the work of the stomach to digest food;
  • Cook simple foods on the grill, boiled, baked or steamed, using natural herbs to season them;
  • Avoid the use of tight clothing and belts, as it favours the reflux of gastric acid into the oesophagus;
  • Avoid smoking, as it worsens the symptoms of gastritis and ulcers;
  • After eating you should not lie down immediately, if you do, you should place a pillow so that you are in a 45ยบ position, in this way it is possible to avoid reflux;
  • Perform physical activity such as walking, jogging, bicycling or swimming, for example, 3 times a week and for 1 hour. If you are a person who suffers from a lot of stress, you should try relaxing activities, such as yoga or meditation.


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