Medicinal properties of garlic

Garlic is one of the oldest crops that people began to use in cooking and medicine. He came to us from Asia. Four thousand years ago it was grown in Central Asia, Iran, and Pakistan. It was an indispensable product in the diet of the ancient Egyptians, and it was also fed to slaves engaged in hard work to give strength and prevent the occurrence of diseases. During excavations of the ancient tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, heads of garlic were found.


Not everyone likes the pungent smell of a vegetable. The Indians widely used its valuable properties for medicinal purposes, but with all their love for spices, they did not use it in cooking. The Greeks and Romans at first also did not favor the plant - the smell was very sharp and persistent. But already at the beginning of our era, garlic was cultivated in almost all European countries and became a favorite seasoning in the cooking of many peoples. There are even mentions of a fragrant plant in the Bible.


Medicinal properties of garlic

Medicinal properties of garlic


  • It helps to get rid of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, improves the secretion of enzymes and the secretion of gastric juice, improves the digestibility of food, and speeds up metabolic processes. Garlic is used as a medicine for flatulence, colitis and enterocolitis, constipation, and inflammation of the appendix.
  • Strengthens the immune system. For colds, runny noses, sore throats, and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including the flu, garlic will be your reliable assistant in the fight against the disease. Also, the active substances of garlic dilute sputum and contribute to its rapid removal.
  • Heals the cardiovascular system. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol, makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic, and thus prevents atherosclerosis, blood clots, and heart attack. It is used for hypertension, reduces the load on the heart, increases the efficiency of the heart muscle, and improves blood circulation.
  • Due to the presence of allicin, garlic can prevent the development of cancer. The substance removes free radicals from the body, which can negatively affect cells and provoke their abnormal development
  • It is used in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as it helps to restore cells, dilutes bile, and prevents the formation of stones.
  • For men and women equally, garlic is useful for problems in the urogenital area. Due to its disinfectant qualities, it quickly eliminates inflammatory processes.
  • Useful for the normalization of the nervous system and mental stress. In the elderly, it prevents the onset of senile dementia and stroke.
  • Used as an anthelmintic agent. For children, this is the most acceptable method of prevention and treatment.
  • It is worth noting that garlic is used to remove corn and warts, for baldness, the treatment of abscesses, and purulent wounds.