What are Healthy breakfasts?

Healthy breakfasts || Healthiest thing for breakfast is to eat foods of great nutritional quality that cover the needs for proteins, carbohydrates and fats,  as well as providing the vitamins and minerals that are needed to face the day.

How should a complete and healthy breakfast be?

It is recommended that breakfast provides between 400 and 450 calories, more or less 20-25% of all calories for the day. You don't have to take them in one sitting. You can divide it into two shots spread throughout the morning. If you eat a good breakfast, you will have the necessary energy to face the day-to-day and not reach the meal starving. The perfect healthy breakfasts should be made up of:

  • Dairy products.  Milk, yoghurt or cheese... you will get the calcium contribution.
  • Carbohydrates.  Bread, cereals (better without sugar, like oatmeal)... because they provide energy (no industrial pastries).
  • Proteins.  Eggs, yoghurt, tofu, york ham, serrano ham or turkey...
  • Fruit.  Choose it best in season, the one you like the most.
  • healthy fats  Avocado, nuts, salmon...

However, do not get obsessed, it is not mandatory that breakfast always contains all groups.  The balance between the different food groups must be achieved in all the meals of the day and not in just one of them.

What to eat for breakfast to lose weight?

A breakfast to lose weight should contain a serving of protein (egg, ham, turkey, hummus...), dairy (a glass of milk, yoghurt or fresh cheese), fruit and cereals (wholemeal bread or wholemeal oatmeal, for example). Avoid pastries or sausages.


When is there what to have breakfast? Can I skip breakfast?

There are two very clear ideas to make a healthy breakfast:

  •  The first is to eat when you are hungry. If it's when you get up, perfect. If it's not until mid-morning, nothing happens.
  • The second is to eat healthy,  without ultra-processed foods,  which includes cookies, for example, or abusing homemade pastries.

For me, this is more important than the number of calories it should have or whether it should include this or that food group, although both things have to be taken into account.

Easy healthy breakfast recipes

healthy breakfast

·        Whole wheat toast with avocado,  olive oil and sprouts.

·        Oat flakes with raspberries, soy yoghurt and a little honey.

·        Whole wheat sandwich with spreadable cheese,  smoked salmon, fresh spinach and olives.

·        Chia pudding.  Mix 250 ml of milk with two tablespoons of chia, let it rest for an hour and add cut fruit and nuts.

·        Vegetable sandwich of tomato,  lettuce, onion and boiled egg.

·        Yogurt with oatmeal and mango.  Mix the yoghurt with oat flakes and mango pieces.

·        Chocolate toast.  Spread them with homemade cocoa cream and pass them through the pan.

·        Cottage cheese with honey and nuts.

·        Fruit salad with yoghurt.

·        French omelette with Iberian ham.

Porridge (the avena gachas)

  • 200 g of oatmeal cups
  • 500 ml of water
  • 500 ml of rice milk
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 50g de Bayas goji
  • a pinch of sea salt


  • Heat the oat flakes in a saucepan with the water, the rice milk and a pinch of salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon and when it has thickened enough (about 10 minutes), remove from the heat and let stand, covered, for another 5 minutes.
  • Divide the porridge into four individual bowls and add the fruit. Before serving, decorate with goji berries and sprinkle with cinnamon.

healthy breakfast

Oatmeal pancakes with tomato and cottage cheese


  • 8 egg whites
  • 70 g thin Avena glasses
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 150 g of cottage cheese
  • Flake salt and pepper
  • Olive oil
  • A few basil leaves
  • A few sprigs of chives


·        Wash the tomatoes, peel and cut them into chunks.

·        Chop the chives, chop the basil and add them to the tomato. Booking.

·        Beat the oatmeal with egg whites. Add the yeast, and a pinch of salt and beat again.

·        Heat a frying pan and, with a spoon, pour in small portions of the preparation. Wait 1 or 2 minutes for it to set and turn it over, and repeat until the mixture is finished.

·        Spread the pancakes with the cottage cheese and place the chopped tomato on top, a few flakes of salt, freshly ground pepper, and a few drops of oil and serve.

The trick: Make a cross-cut at the base of the tomatoes and put them in boiling water for a few seconds. The skin comes off on its own.

Learn more: Oatmeal pancakes with tomato and cottage cheese

Oatmeal with mango in a jar


·        200 g thin oatmeal cups

·        100g pitted raisins

·        4 natural cow or vegetable yoghurts without sugar

·        3 mangos (or 1 bag of frozen mango previously thawed)

·        Honey


·        Put the flakes in the bottom of a jar mixed with the raisins.

·        Add a layer of yoghurt

·        On it, put another layer of diced mango

·        Water with a trickle of honey

Oatmeal and sweet potato porridge


·        2 large sweet potatoes

·        200 grams of oat flakes

·        100 grams of grated carrot

·        500 millilitres of vegetable milk (rice, oatmeal, coconut...)

·        500 millilitres of water

·        cinnamon powder

·        teaspoons of coconut oil

·        Topping: pumpkin pipes, sprockets


·        Peel the sweet potatoes and chop them. Put them on a tray in the oven at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes with two teaspoons of coconut oil, cinnamon and a pinch of salt.

·        Once the sweet potatoes are already roasted, mash them with a fork until they are pureed.

·        In a saucepan, add the sweet potato purรฉe, the oat flakes, the grated carrot, the vegetable drink, the water and more cinnamon. Over low heat, let it cook for 10 minutes, stirring so that it does not stick.

·        Add another teaspoon of coconut oil and mix everything well.

·        Add the toppings.

Here you have many more breakfast recipes with oatmeal.

Vegetable yoghurt with fruits


·        vegetable yoghurt

·        Seasonal fruit: Blueberries, raspberries, peaches, plums


·        Pour your favourite vegetable yoghurt (soy, rice, almond...) and add fruit to taste.

This breakfast is ideal if you want to follow a diet to lose weight fast.

Toast with avocado and sprouts


·       A toast

·        1 avocado

·        Germinated

·        Olive oil

·        Sal

·        Pepper


·        Cut the avocado into slices.

·        Dress the avocado and the sprouts with oil, salt and pepper

·        Put the two ingredients on the bread.

·        Here are more quick and easy breakfast ideas.

Green smoothie with mango, banana and sprouts


·        2 bananas

·        1 mango

·        80 g of baby kale or spinach

·        1 small handful of alfalfa sprouts

·        2 tablespoons of hemp seeds

·        Mint leaves

·        Basil leaves

·        250 ml of vegetable drink

Topping: Sliced ​​banana, sliced ​​mango, 1 tablespoon hemp seeds


·        Beat the ingredients of the base and serve in a bowl.

·        Add the toppings in a way that is pleasing to the eye.

Oatmeal with soy yoghurt, raspberry and papaya


·        ½ small papaya

·        200g raspberries

·        tablespoons of oat flakes

·        1 tablespoon unroasted sunflower seeds

·        1 tablespoon unroasted hazelnuts

·        soy yoghurts

·        a pinch of cinnamon


·        Wash the raspberries and dry them. Beat half until you get a puree.

·        Crush together the hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and oat flakes.

·        Beat the yoghurt with the cinnamon.

·        Peel the papaya, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into cubes.

·        Spread the mixture of oat flakes and nuts in the bottom of 4 individual containers. Cover them with a layer of raspberry puree and spread the diced papaya on top.

·        Add a layer of yoghurt and finish decorating with the reserved whole raspberries. Put the containers in the fridge just until serving time.

Burrito with guacamole


·        corn tortillas or pita bread

·        2 ripe avocados

·        Tomates cherry

·        1 lemon

·        radish

·        Green shoots

·        Cilantro

·        Sal

·        pepper to taste


·        Prepare guacamole by crushing ripe avocado with a fork, cherry tomato pieces, a little lemon juice and chopped coriander.

·        Spread each corn tortilla or pita bread with the guacamole, add sliced ​​radish pieces and green shoots to taste, and roll up.

Fruit Macedonia


·        1 kiwi

·        1 Granada

·        2 oranges

·        1 tangerine

·        1 lemon

·        250g strawberries

·        80g chopped hazelnuts


·        Firstly, squeeze one of the oranges and the lemon and collect the juices separately. Then, peel the remaining orange raw, remove the white skin and the membranes that cover the pulp, and cut it into segments.

·        Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut them into cubes. Prepare the pomegranate, tangerine and strawberries.

·        Next, put all the fruits in a bowl and water them with lemon juice. This will prevent them from rusting and blackening.

·        Put all the fruits in a salad bowl, water them with the orange juice and mix carefully so that none of them breaks.

·        To finish, serve sprinkled with the chopped hazelnuts.

Fig and courgette sandwich


·        Pan integral

·        figs

·        Zucchini

·        Arugula

·        Yogurt

·        Lemon

·        Sal

·        Pepper

·        Oil


·        Clean and slice the figs

·        Wash the zucchini, dry it and cut it into slices.

·        Heat a grill plate and lightly coat it with oil. Grill the zucchini. Booking.

·        Prepare a sauce by beating the yoghurt with a few drops of lemon, salt and pepper.

·        Put the arugula on a slice of bread. On top, add the courgette and figs and dress with the sauce. Top with the second slice.

Green smoothie of chard and lettuce with grape


·        250 g of red grapes

·        100 g chard

·        100g of lettuce

·        1 tablespoon of flax seeds

·        1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

·        1 teaspoon ginger powder

·        200 ml of filtered or alkaline water


·        Whisk all the ingredients together.

·        Adjust the amount of water if you want it more liquid.

Discover more shakes to lose weight

Light pancakes


·        2 glasses of skimmed milk

·        100 g of wheat flour

·        100g wholemeal flour

·        40g sugar

·        eggs

·        Butter

·        Oil

·        150 g of forest fruits

·        75g dark chocolate


·        First, beat the eggs with the two types of sifted flour, the sugar, the skimmed milk and 20 g of butter. And let it rest for about 30 minutes or so in the fridge.

·        Heat a non-stick frying pan, and grease it with kitchen paper soaked in oil. Thus, in addition, you will not exceed the amount of oil. Stir the dough, pour 2 tablespoons, and brown on both sides. And repeat the same operation until you run out of dough.

·        You just have to spread them out on a plate and put the previously washed berries inside. And if you want, to decorate, you can water them with a thread of melted chocolate.

Here you have many more breakfast recipes to lose weight.

Salmon sandwich


·        8 slices of cereal bread

·        slices of smoked salmon

·        20g pickles

·        30g pitted green olives

·        10g capers

·        50 g of mixed salad shoots

·        Mustard

·        Olive oil

·        Sal

·        Pepper


·        Drain the olives, cut some into slices and chop the rest. Drain pickles and capers; cut the first ones into slices.

·        Wash and dry the salad shoots and lightly dress with oil.

·        Spread the bread with a light layer of mustard.

·        On one slice, put the salad shoots, chopped salmon, pickles, capers and olives and cover with the other slice.

Chia pudding with fruit


·        8 tablespoons chia seeds

·        1 litre of milk or vegetable drink

·        Honey

·        Berries

·        Pumpkin pipes


·        Divide the chia with the milk of your choice into 4 bowls or jars. You can sweeten the milk with a trickle of honey.

·        Let stand one hour (or overnight if you prepare it the day before).

·        Before eating, add pumpkin seeds and red fruits.

Cottage cheese with honey and walnuts


·        tubs of cottage cheese

·        80g walnuts

·        Honey


·        Put the cottage cheese on a plate and sprinkle with a trickle of honey.

·        Add the chopped walnuts.

Vegetable sandwich


·        8 slices of whole grain bread with seeds

·        6 lettuce leaves

·        1 red bell pepper

·        5 mushrooms

·        half a leek

·        half zucchini

·        half an onion

·        half a cup of lentil pate

·        1 teaspoon of thyme

·        1 teaspoon of oregano

·        ¼ teaspoon black pepper

·        2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil

·        1 pinch of salt


·        Wash the vegetables and mushrooms. Cut the pepper and leek into strips, the lettuce into pieces and the rest into slices. Mix the spices in a bowl.

·        Then put a bit of oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat and the vegetable slices that fit, without stacking. Place them in batches and brown them on both sides. Sprinkle it with a pinch of salt and a pinch of spices.

·        When they are golden, take them out and reserve them on a plate. Spread half of the buns with the lentil pรขtรฉ and place the lettuce and grilled vegetables on top.

·        To finish, close them with the rest of the slices, which should also be spread.

Sweet potato toast


·        2 sweet potatoes

·        Peanut butter and 2 bananas

·        Chocolate and blueberry cream

·        Cream cheese and raspberry jam


·        Clean the bonitos under the tap to remove dirt from the skin. Cut the sweet potatoes into slices lengthwise and grill them on a griddle until you see that they are well cooked.

·        Make 3 versions per serving with the sweet potato as a base; one with peanut butter and sliced ​​banana; another with chocolate cream and blueberries; and another with cream cheese and raspberry jam

Avocado sandwich


·        8 slices of cereal bread

·        200 g portobello mushrooms

·        2 tablespoons of oil

·        1 tablespoon of tamari

·        Lettuce leaves

·        1 avocado

·        2 plum tomatoes

·        alfalfa sprouts

·        olives


·        Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and marinate with the tamari and olive oil.

·        Laminate the peeled avocado and sprinkle with a little lemon so that it does not blacken.

·        Cut the tomatoes and olives into slices.

·        Assemble the sandwich by putting the lettuce, a little tomato, the slices of avocado and olives, the sprouts and the marinated mushrooms between two slices.

Yoghurt with compote and sesame seeds


·        golden apples

·        oranges

·        1 skimmed plain yoghurt

·        1 spoon of sugar

·        A pinch of cinnamon powder

·        Sesame seeds


·        Peel the apples, cut them into quarters, remove the core and cut them into wedges. She squeezes the oranges, pours the juice into a saucepan, and adds a few strips of washed orange peel. Add the apples, cover and cook for 15 minutes, until you get a compote. Remove it and let it cool.

·        Serve the yoghurt in a bowl and add the compote on top.

·        Enrich it with a handful of sesame seeds previously toasted in a pan without oil.

Oat cream with banana and peanut butter


·        1 litre of milk

·        200 g of thin oatmeal cups

·        2 bananas

·        2 apples

·        tablespoons of peanut butter

·        lower leg


·        Heat milk with oatmeal, it does not need to boil. Crush it and add a little cinnamon.

·        Top it off with banana slices, apple wedges, and a tablespoon of peanut butter (try using the peanut-only one).

Toast with ham and figs


·        8 slices of whole wheat bread

·        slices of serrano ham

·        Cream cheese

·        figs

·        Arugula


·        Cut a few slices of wholemeal bread, spread them with cream cheese and add serrano ham, a few slices of fig and arugula.

·        If you don't have figs, try peaches, grapes, pineapple, or even apples.

Chia with pear and pistachios


·        250 ml of milk or vegetable drink

·        Chia

·        Pera

·        pistachios


·        Mix the milk with the chia and let it rest for an hour until it swells.

·        Later and we add pieces of pear and raw pistachio

If you are one of those who cannot do without the sandwich of a lifetime for breakfast, one of the ways to get healthier sandwiches is to make vegetables instead of sausages, which tend to be quite fattening and can harm your health if they are abused. This one is made with lettuce, tomato, onion and boiled egg.

 Vegetable snack


·        Rustic loaf bread

·        Tomato

·        Green olives

·        Escarole or lettuce

·        Avocado

·        Spring onion

·        Egg


·        Boil the egg for about 10 minutes. When cool, peel and cut into slices

·        Blanch a tomato and remove the skin and seeds and chop it. Dress with garlic, oregano and oil.

·        Chop the green olives.

·        Cut the onion into small cubes.

·        Cut the pulp of the avocado into cubes and sprinkle with lemon so that it does not turn black.

·        Cut the bar in 4 and each portion in half. Fill with escarole and the mixture of tomato, spring onion, olives and avocado. Put egg slices on top and close the sandwich.

Blueberry chia bowl


·        1 litre of vegetable milk

·        8 tablespoons chia seeds

·        blueberries

·        raw almonds with skin

·        dehydrated coconut flakes


·        Mash a handful of fresh blueberries with non-dairy milk.

·        Add the chia to the milk and let it rest for an hour (or prepare it the night before).

·        Before eating it, add blueberries, almonds and coconut flakes.

Chocolate toast


·        8 slices of whole wheat bread

·        hazelnuts

·        Defatted pure cocoa powder

·        Sugar

·        water or milk


·        Grind hazelnuts with pure cocoa powder, a little sugar and water or milk until you get the desired texture

·        Spread the slices of bread with the homemade chocolate cream.

·        Transfer the sandwich to the pan.

Banana yoghurt with mango and pomegranate


·        1 plain yoghurt

·        Banana

·        Mango

·        Granada

·        Lower leg


·        Mash a banana with yoghurt and add cinnamon to taste.

·        Add sliced ​​mango and pomegranate.

Oatmeal, banana and apple muffins


·        2 cups of oat flakes

·        ripe bananas

·        2 eggs

·        pitted dates

·        1 apple

·        A spoonful of baking soda

·        One tablespoon of sunflower oil

·        Cinnamon to taste


·        Blend the oats, bananas, eggs, and dates and add the baking soda, sunflower oil and cinnamon.

·        Then, add the diced apple and place the dough in a muffin mould. Bake at 180 degrees until you pierce with a toothpick and it comes out clean.


Pita with guacamole, tomato and sprouts


·        whole grain pita bread

·        1 cup of cooked vegetable stew

·        1 cup of cooked chickpeas

·        100 grams of tender peas

·        1 tomato

·        1 cup of alfalfa sprouts

·        1 ripe avocado for the cream

·        50 millilitres of vegetable milk without the sugar and without flavours for the cream

·        1 tablespoon of lemon juice for the cream

·        salt to taste


·        Open the avocado, remove the stone and place the pulp in the blender together with the lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Beat it all together adding the non-dairy milk little by little until you obtain an emulsified sauce. Then reserve the preparation in the fridge.

·        Lightly brown the whole wheat pita bread on both sides in a grill pan without oil, over medium heat. Take them out and open them.

·        Mix the vegetables and legumes in a bowl, pour the avocado cream on top and mix it with a fork, trying to crush it a little so that there are no large pieces. Taste it and add a little more salt if you consider it necessary.

·        Then cut the tomato into thin slices.

·        Fill the pitas with the salad and place some tomato slices. Finish the sandwich with the alfalfa sprouts, making sure they don't come out.

Banana oatmeal cookies


·        150g oatmeal

·        2 bananas

·        1 teaspoon seed oil

·        1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

·        1 Teaspoon vanilla extract

·        1 ½ tablespoon of honey


·        Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork. Mix them with the oatmeal, ground cinnamon and vanilla essence. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and the seed oil, stir everything well and knead a little with your hands.

·        Preheat the oven to 180ยบ and place a sheet of parchment paper on the plate. Distribute small portions of the oatmeal dough, separated from each other, and shape them into cookies using a fork or a spoon.

·        Put the tray in the oven and bake the cookies for 15 minutes, until golden brown. Wait for them to cool down to separate them from the paper and arrange them in a bowl. Serve sprinkled with a few drops of honey

Granola with yoghurt

Ingredients for the granola:

·        100 g of cups of oatmeal

·        100 g of cups of rye

·        20g coconut flakes or flakes

·        60g seedless currants

·        50 g of sunflower seeds

·        20g sesame seeds

·        60 g of sliced ​​almonds

·        1 egg white

·        30ml sesame oil

·        Ground cinnamon


·        500 g of fresitas

·        natural yogurts

·        Honey


·        Preheat the oven to 180ยบ.

·        In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients: cereal flakes, almonds, seeds and coconut.

·        Separately, the liquids are mixed: the beaten egg white, the oil and the cinnamon.

·        They are mixed dry and liquid and stir well so that the dry ones are very well impregnated.

·        Spread the mixture on a tray lined with parchment paper and place in the oven until golden brown.

·        Remove, let cool and add the raisins.

·        About 40-60 g are taken per serving. What you do not consume, store it in a container that closes hermetically.

·        Put the mixture, once cold, in a canning jar and add, if you want, other chopped nuts -walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or raisins-. The muesli will keep in perfect condition for 10 days.

·        Serve the muesli in bowls, add the desired yoghurt, the strawberries of the forest and a trickle of honey to taste.

Omelette with ham


·        8 eggs

·        slices havarti cheese

·        8 slices of Serrano ham

·        100 g of canon

·        Oil

·        Sal

·        Pepper


·        Cut the slices of ham into smaller pieces.

·        Wash the canons and dry them very well with kitchen paper.

·        Crack 1 egg into a bowl, salt and pepper and beat with a fork.

·        Heat a small non-stick frying pan greased with a few drops of oil, pour in the egg and curdle an omelette on both sides. Repeat the process with the remaining eggs.

·        Distribute 4 tortillas on as many plates and place 1 slice of cheese on top of each one. Also, add the ham and lamb's lettuce and cover with the remaining tortillas as if it were a sandwich.

Huevos benedictine


·        slices of bread

·        6 eggs

·        Half lemon

·        1 tablespoon of dijon mustard

·        50g of butter

·        Sal

·        Asparagus


·        Beat the 2 yolks with 1 tablespoon of mustard. And add, little by little, 50 g of previously melted butter, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, the chopped dill and salt, and 2 egg whites whipped to stiff peaks. Mix and reserve the sauce in the fridge.

·        On a grill-type griddle, roast the asparagus previously cleaned and without the hardest part.

·        Poach the eggs. Line a cup with transparent film, crack 1 egg, close forming a bag and cook 4 minutes in water; and repeat with the other three.

·        Toast the slices of bread. Top with asparagus, poached egg, and a tablespoon of sauce.

Avocado with egg


·        2 avocados

·        1 lemon

·        250g diced bacon

·        eggs

·        60g grated mozzarella

·        Sal

·        Olive oil

·        Pepper

·        a few slices of bread


·        Heat a frying pan with a few drops of oil, add the bacon and fry until lightly browned. Cut the avocados in half and remove the stone. Remove a little of the pulp to enlarge the hole using a teaspoon. Sprinkle the extracted pulp with a few drops of lemon juice so that it does not darken and reserve it for another dish.

·        Place the avocados in an ovenproof dish. Crack 1 egg into a glass, pour it into the hole of one of the avocados and season with salt and pepper. Repeat the operation with the other eggs and avocados. Distribute the bacon and mozzarella on top.

·        Put the avocados in the oven preheated to 180ยบ and cook for 12 or 15 minutes, until the egg is curdled. Toast the bread slices and serve with the avocados.

Matcha tea pancakes


·        ripe bananas

·        eggs

·        egg whites

·        12 tablespoons of oatmeal

·        4 teaspoons of sugar

·        2 tablespoons of matcha tea

·        Vegetable oil

·        season fruit


·        Crush all the ingredients and put a little vegetable oil in a pan and cook the pancakes one by one (a ladle of dough per pancake).

·        You can accompany them with yoghurt and chopped fruit.

Here you have many more egg breakfast recipes